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导读:共迎挑战 共同发展 ——在第66届联合国大会一般性辩论上的发言 WorkTogethertoMeetChallengesandPursueCommonDevelopmentStatementbyatt




 共迎挑战 共同发展——在第 66 届联合国大会一般性辩论上的发言Work Together to Meet Challenges and Pursue Common Development Statement by at the General Debate of the 66th Session of the UN General Assembly

 中华人民共和国外交部长 杨洁篪H.E. Yang Jiechi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China 二 O 一一年九月二+六日 纽约New York, 26 September 2011主席先生:

  Mr. President, 祝贺阁下荣任本届大会主席, 相信你将以出色的能力和丰富的经验完成这一崇高使命。同时也感谢戴斯先生在担任上届联大主席期间所做的积极贡献。

 我还想借此机会, 对南苏丹共和国加入联合国大家庭, 成为第 193 个会员国表示热烈祝贺!

  I wish to begin by congratulating you on your election as president of the 66th Session of the General Assembly. I am confident that, with your outstanding ability and rich experience, you will fulfill this lofty mission. I wish to thank Mr. Deiss for his contribution as president of the last session. I also wish to take this opportunity to extend warm congratulations to the Republic of South Sudan on joining the family of the United Nations as its193rd member.

 主席先生, 女士们, 先生们:

  Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, 我们已经走过 21 世纪的第一个十年。

 回首过去的十年, 世界多极化、 经济全球化深入发展, 国家间相互依存日趋加深, 科技革命深刻地改变着人类社会的面貌。

 同时, 各种传统、非传统安全威胁和全球性挑战相互交织, 世界并不安宁。


 国际形势继续深刻复杂变化, 在总体和平的大背景下, 各种不稳定、 不确定因素增多, 发展问题更加严重, 实现共同发展比任何时候都更加重要, 也更加紧迫。

  The first decade of the 21st century is now behind us. During this decade, the trend towards a multipolar world and economic globalization gained momentum. Countries became increasingly interdependent. Revolution in science and technology brought about profound transformation of the human society. On the other hand, various traditional and non-traditional security threats and global challenges were intertwined, and the world was far from a peaceful place. As the second

 decade of the new century begins, the world has entered an extraordinary historical stage in its pursuit of peace and development, and it continues to undergo profound and complex changes. Factors of uncertainty and instability are increasing despite the generally peaceful international environment. Development is becoming an increasingly serious issue, and promoting common development has become a more important and pressing task than ever before.

 当前, 全球发展面临新的重要关口。

 世界经济复苏进程脆弱, 国际金融市场动荡, 可持续发展任务艰巨, 世界经济面临“增长关”。

 西亚北非部分国家政局持续动荡, 恐怖主义滋长蔓延, 全球性挑战不断上升, 国际形势面临“稳定关”。

 南北发展不平衡依然突出, 国际金融危机导致全球极度贫困人口新增 6400 万, 饥饿人口接近 10 亿, 完成联合国千年发展目标任务急迫, 各方亟待加强合作, 帮助最不发达国家迈过“温饱关”。

  Global development is now at a new critical juncture. Global recovery remains fragile, international financial markets are volatile and the pursuit of sustainable development faces daunting challenges. The world economy therefore has to meet the crucial test of maintaining growth. Some countries in west Asia and north Africa are in continual political turmoil. Terrorist threats are spreading, and global challenges are growing. The international community faces a critical test of maintaining stability. The gap in development between the South and the North is as wide as ever. The population living in absolute poverty has increased by 64 million due to the international financial crisis, and nearly one billion people suffer from starvation. Meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals calls for urgent actions. It is imperative to step up international cooperation to help the least developed countries (LDCs) meet the test of ensuring basic living needs of their people.

 在挑战面前, 我们实现共同发展的使命重大, 也面临难得的新机遇。

 经济全球化使各国利益融合更加紧密, 以合作谋安全、 以稳定促发展成为普遍共识; 各国纷纷以创新思维应对发展难题, 发达国家积极巩固财政, 采取经济刺激措施, 加快经济结构调整, 努力摆脱危机困扰。

 广大发展中国家总体保持良好发展势头, 尤其值得一提的是, 一批新兴经济体国家加快发展, 带动着世界经济的增长; 全球经济治理机制改革稳步推进, 各种区域合作机制蓬勃发展; 各方加快发展绿色经济, 探索可持续发展方式, 为共同发展提供了新的动力和空间。 In the face of these challenges, we share an important mission to achieve common development, and we also have rare new opportunities. Economic globalization has made the interests of countries more closely interconnected. Ensuring security through cooperation and promoting development through stability has become our shared desire. Countries are addressing development challenges in innovative ways. To overcome crisis, developed countries have taken steps to improve their fiscal conditions, adopted stimulus measures and accelerated economic structural adjustment. Developing countries as a whole have maintained good momentum of growth. In particular, the rapid growth in some emerging economies has driven the growth of the world economy. Progress has been made in the reform of the global economic governance structure, and various regional cooperation mechanisms are growing. Efforts to accelerate the development of green economy and explore new modes of sustainable growth have created new momentum and space for common development.

 面对新的机遇和挑战, 如何同舟共济、 共克时艰, 实现互利共赢和共同发展, 这是历史赋予我们的共同责任和使命。


  Faced with both new opportunities and challenges, we should work as a team to overcome difficulties and pursue mutual benefit and common development. This is the responsibility and mission that history bestows upon all of us. And to fulfill our mission, we need to take the following steps: 我们要努力培育世界经济复苏的良好势头。

 国际金融危机深层次影响仍未消除, 经济复苏的脆弱性和不平衡性还相当突出。

 我们要加强沟通协调, 释放团结、 合作、 共赢的强有力信号, 以增强国际社会对世界经济复苏和发展的信心。

 我们要推动建立公平、 公正、 包容、有序的国际货币金融体系, 增加新兴市场国家和发展中国家的发言权和代表性。

 中方支持二十国集团从短期危机应对机制向长效经济治理机制转型, 在全球经济治理中发挥更大作用,推动世界经济全面复苏和增长。我们支持新兴市场国家为探索全球经济合作新模式所作的努力和实践。

 我们坚决反对各种形式的保护主义, 主张加强多边贸易体制, 照顾最不发达国家关切, 推动多哈回合谈判实现发展回合目标。

  We should foster sound momentum for global economic recovery. The underlying impact of the international financial crisis has yet to dissipate, and economic recovery is still fragile and uneven. We should intensify consultation and coordination and send a strong message of solidarity and win-win cooperation so as to strengthen international confidence in global recovery and growth. We should work for a fair, just, inclusive and orderly international monetary and financial system and increase the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries. China supports the transition of the G20 from a short-term crisis response mechanism to a long-term mechanism of economic governance. The G20 should play a bigger role in global economic governance and in promoting the full recovery and growth of the world economy. We support the efforts of emerging markets to explore new modes of international economic cooperation. We strongly oppose protectionism in all its forms and call for strengthening the multilateral trading regime. The concerns of the least developed countries should be addressed, and efforts should be made to make the Doha Round achieve its development objectives.


 国家不分大小、 强弱、 贫富, 都是国际社会平等一员, 其平等发展的权利应切实得到保障。

 相互尊重、 平等相待是国际关系的基本准则, 也是实现共同发展的重要保障。

 当前形势下, 坚持《联合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则, 维护联合国的权威和作用, 切实遵守不干涉内政原则, 推进国际关系民主化具有特别重要的现实意义。我们应尊重各国的主权和领土完整, 一国内部事务只能由本国人民自己决定, 反对以任何方式和借口干涉别国内政。

 世界的多样性是人类社会发展的宝贵财富, 应被视为国家间取长补短、 交流互鉴的有利条件, 而不应成为国际关系中以大欺小、 以富压贫的借口。

 我们应尊重各国自主选择发展道路的权利, 尊重文明多样性, 本着开放包容、 求同存异的精神, 在交流互鉴、 取长补短中共同进步。



 历史经验一再表明, 稳定与发展相伴相随, 发展不好, 稳定不了; 同样, 没有稳定, 也就没有发展。

 我们应按照《联合国宪章》 宗旨和原则的要求, 坚持用和平方式解决国际争端和热点问题, 反对任意使用武力或以武力相威胁, 反对一切形式的恐怖主义、 分裂主义和极端主义, 促进人类社会的共同安全。


 中方尊重苏丹及南苏丹人民的自主选择, 希望南苏丹这个新生国家稳定发展。

 国际社会应继续支持和鼓励苏丹和南苏丹通过对话与协商妥善解决悬而未决的问题, 和睦相处, 共同发展, 维护地区和平稳定大局。

 中方一直积极劝和促谈, 推动苏丹与南苏丹和平进程, 支持妥善解决达尔富尔问题。

 我们将继续与国际社会一道, 为推动实现地区的和平、 稳定与发展发挥建设性作用。


 中方一贯支持巴勒斯坦独立建国正义事业, 支持巴成为联合国会员国, 支持通过政治谈判推进“两国方案”, 建立以 1967 年边界为基础、 以东耶路撒冷为首都、 拥有完全主权、 独立的巴勒斯坦国, 主张平衡推进叙以、 黎以两线和谈, 最终实现中东地区全面、 公正、 持久和平以及阿以和平共处。

 希望国际社会和有关各方为此作出不懈努力, 推动中东和平进程持续向前发展。


 中方高度关注西亚北非地区局势动荡, 主张坚持不干涉内政原则, 尊重和支持地区国家自主处理内部事务, 尊重地区国家人民的愿望诉求。

 希望地区国家有关各方通过政治对话化解分歧, 尽快恢复稳定和正常秩序。

 当前, 利比亚已进入从战乱向国家重建过渡的关键阶段。中方尊重利人民的选择, 承认利“国家过渡委员会” 为利执政当局和利人民的代表。

 希望利各方在“过渡委” 的领导下, 开启包容性政治过渡进程, 维护利的民族团结与国家统一, 尽快实现利局势稳定并开展经济重建。

 中方支持联合国在利战后重建进程中发挥主导作用, 支持联合国利比亚支助团及早开展工作。中方高度关注叙利亚局势发展, 希望叙各方保持克制,避免一切形式的暴力行为和更多流血冲突, 推动局势尽快走向缓和。

 我们认为, 以推进改革为目标, 以由叙主导的包容性政治进程为框架, 以对话协商为手段, 是化解叙当前危机的正确途径。

 国际社会应尊重叙的主权、 独立和领土完整, 慎重应对和处理叙问题, 避免叙局势进一步动荡并危及地区和平。

  We should lay the political foundation for cooperative development. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor,...

推荐访问:杨洁篪第66届联合国大会一般性辩论上发言(双语) 联合国大会 双语 辩论

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