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时间:2022-08-28 11:50:42 来源:网友投稿




  英语新闻标题的特点 摘要: 新闻标题是新闻的眼睛, 也是新闻的重要组成部分。

 本文以新闻标题在措词、 语法和修辞等方面的特点为切入点, 进而从三个方面提出英语新闻标题的翻译策略: ( 一) 直译或基本直译; ( 二) 意译; ( 三) 采用翻译权衡手法。

 Abstract: Headlines, an inseparable component of news, serves as the role of eyes. On basis of analysis of the characteristics of English news from three aspects: the use of words, grammar and figure of speech. This thesis offers strategies for translation of headlines from three points: literal translation, free translation and balance translation. 新闻一般由标题、 导语、 主体、 背景和结尾组成。

 新闻可以没有导语和背景, 但是不能没有标题。

 标题对于新闻就像眼睛对于人一样重要, 它是新闻内容的集中和概括, 它用简约的文字浓缩了新闻报道中最精华、最值得关注的内容。

 人们说: “题好一半文”, 这正强调了新闻标题的重要性, 如同做事, 英语有谚云: “A good beginning is half the battle.”一则好的新闻标题能给新闻报道锦上添花, 起到画龙点睛吸引受众注意力的作用。



 英国报纸学习美国报纸的编辑方法, 在报道普法战争时也已经使用多行标题, 有的报纸关于法军溃败的报道标题则有十行之多。

 在国际报道中, 英语新闻占了相当大的比重, 而标题又被视作英语新闻报道全文的精炼概括。

 为了吸引读者的关注, 编辑们往往采用各种手法以提升新闻标题的吸引力。

 而这同时也给英语新闻标题的翻译带来了不少挑战, 新闻翻译工作者需要对英语新闻标题的特点进行深层次把握, 同时运用各种翻译技巧和理论将原英语新闻标题的形、 神、 韵, 用汉语原汁原味地呈现在中国读者的面前。

 英语新闻标题在措词、 语法、 修辞等方面的特点比较鲜明突出。

 1 措词 在英语中, 新闻标题称为"headlines", 居于新闻报道主体内容之上, 在报刊杂志中, 其版面空间是相当宝贵的, 应当尽量以最小的篇幅容纳最大的信息量, 这就对英语新闻标题的措词提出了很高的要求。

 首先, 英语新闻标题中广泛使用名词和简短小词(midget words) 。

 为节省笔墨和空间, 标题中的虚词( 又是包括系动词 be) 被省去, 剩下的主要是实词, 特别是名词。

 而名词具有很强的表意功能, 信息量大, 同时又具有广泛的语法兼容性(grammaticality), 它可以充当多种词类, 如形容词、 动词、 副词等的角色, 也可以以简约明了的形式和结构表达完整句法概念, 例如:The Columbine Tapes 影带惊魂 The Population surprise 人口下降( the decrease of the population surprises people) Superkids? 超级儿童之谜(can supermen creat superkids?) 力求用有限的文字来表达清楚新闻的内容,英语新闻标题除了使用名词之外, 还偏爱选用那些短小精悍或字母较少的词。

 这些短小易懂、 形象生动的措词不仅能增强新闻的简洁性和可读性, 而且还能调解美化版面节约篇幅, 例如:aid = assistance( 帮助)

  body = committee/commission( 机构, 委员会)

 blast = explode( 爆炸)

 ban = prohibit/forbid( 禁止)

  end = terminate( 结束, 中止)

 nod = approval ( 批准, 同意)

  poll = election poll/public opinion poll ( 选举民意调查、 民意测验) 其次, 英语新闻标题中还多使用“时髦词”(Vogue Words) 。

 “新”是新闻的生命, 同时也是新闻语言的生命。这是由新闻的本质所决定的。

 新闻报道要放开眼界、 与时俱进, 将一切新事物、 新现象、 新思想、 新潮流通过各种新闻媒介传播给广大受众。


 英语新闻中的时髦词美不胜举, 例如: Year 2000 Bug Unstoppable for some companies. 计算机千年虫问题迫在眉睫。

 American Online: Often down, Never Out. 美国在线: 屡挫不败。

 时髦词语是时代的产物, 是社会经济变革和科学技术革命的结晶。

 一类是旧词赋新意, 如:copy( 复制) ,

  mouse( 鼠标) , web( 网站) 等。另一类是新词, 如: com, e- mail, e- commerce( 电子商务) ,cyberbank( 网上银行) , cyberchat( 网上聊天) 等。

 再次, 英语新闻标题为追求简介常使用缩略语和数字, 例如:NBC" s President Robert Wright seeks Big Acquisitions, Ventures for the Network.“强有力的伙伴” “可观的投资”- 罗伯特董事长为 NBC 网络扩展而奔走。

 英语新闻标题中常见的缩写很多, 可分为三类: 1) 组织机构专有名词, 例如:WTO( 世界贸易组织) , NPC( 全国人民代表大会) , UN( 联合国) 2) 常见事物的名称, 例如:AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 后天免疫缺损综合症 UFO: Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物, 飞碟 3) 表示人们的职业、 职务或者职称的名词, 例如:PM: Prime Minister ( 总理,首相)

 GM:General Manager (总经理)

  VIP:Very Important Person (贵宾,要人)

  CEO:Chief Executive Officer (执行总监) 2 语法 英语新闻标题的语法特点也很显著 2.1 时态 在英语新闻中现在时被广泛使用, 为给读者以新鲜出炉、 形象生动、 跃然纸上的感觉。

 英语报刊的新闻标题中一般不使用过去时态, 而是采用现在时态, 使读者在阅读时如置身于新闻事件的发生现场之中, 这叫“新闻现在时( JournalisticPresent tense) ”英语新闻标题常用的动词时态主要有: 1) 一般现在时, 常用来表示过去发生的事。

 2) 将来时, 常用不定式来表示。

 3) 现在进行时, 常用现在分词来表示, 例如:Husband And Wife Team Unlock New Gene Secret 夫妻联手解开新的基因奥秘


  [Abstract] Headlines are quite essential for English news. They are the windows of news. This paper describes the types of headlines and also explains the features of headlines. Firstly, introduction of classifications of headlines can give readers a perceptual knowledge. Secondly, in order to give readers some rational knowledge about headlines, this paper then explains characteristics of vocabularies in headlines, ie. short words, shortenings, quotations, proverbs, wisdoms, idioms are often used in headline. It also gives examples of rhetorical characteristics such as metaphor, contrast, rhyme, pun, metonymy and paradox and so on so forth. Finally the paper concludes tense and voice features in headlines and sums up the most important feature of headlines: omission. News media is the best channel of knowing every field including politics, economics, science, culture, and society. This paper aims to help English learners know English news well and read news efficiently.

  [Key Words] English; headline; feature

 【摘 要】






 英语; 新闻标题; 特点


  A piece of news is composed by three parts: headline,leading and body among which a headline is the epitome and highlight of the content of newspapers and periodicals.

  Headlines printed on the papers are the windows of the news and it can let readers know it is worth reading .it is essential for readers to understand headlines to decide which column should be read while which not.

  In this paper, features of using vocabulary , tense and voice,omission of words and using of various rhetoric of headlines from English newspapers and periodicals are approached for the purpose of giving a better understanding of the contents of news and improving English learners’ reading ability.

  2.Types of headlines

  2.1 Categories according to their forms.

  2.1.1 flush left headline

 In a flush left headline, every word takes up one line and begins at the very left. That is the common form of modern English newspapers. The following example can show you what is a flush left headline.

  e.g. IMF




 2.1.2 Banner headline

  Every headline word in it is large and bold and the whole headline often covers several columns. It is also called first large headline and often used in front page for its attraction.

  e.g. House Passes Bush Plan to Cut Taxes

  2.1.3 drop form headline

  It looks like a ladder. There are several lines in it and the following line draws back several letters from the above one. Beauty and nice are its merits.

  e.g. FBI Agrees to Cease

 Its Illegal Surveillance

  Of the Research Institute

  2.1.4Inverted Pyramid headline

  It is also popular for nice looking. It forms a Pyramid-looking headline.

  e.g. Factory Walkout

  Threat Over


  2.1.5 Double headline

  This kind of headline is used mostly for the report of big events. It has two lines: one is main headline and the other auxiliary headline.


  Expect to Go to U.S.

  Castro to Free Thousands of Prisoners

  (2)e.g.2 It Isn’t the Cow That Are Mad

 It’s the People That Are going Mad

  2.1.6 Jump head headline

  The headline is divided into two parts: original head and jump head. A original part is in one page, but after the body jumps pages, the original head will be changed into a jump head which uses different words from original one to express the same meaning.

 e.g. Pentagen[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页

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