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时间:2023-08-12 20:10:04 来源:网友投稿



写作真题 第1篇







写作真题 第2篇

Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other Do you think the positive effects exceed the negative effects?


客观现象的优缺点题型 对idea无明显限制的观点题 对idea有限制的观点题

对于第和第3类题型。等到具体雅思写作题目是给大家做具体的解释。该题属于第一类。这类题中,考官出题会频繁地使用 “advantages”“disadvantages”“positive””negative”等关键字。通常来说此类雅思写作题目在想法上对于考生没有过多 的限制,因此,从这个角度上来讲,此类雅思写作题目偏简单。





促进了不同国家,不同地域人的交流 等等




下面提供上述素材中其中一个的具体行文 (此趋势丰富了人的生活):




An individual having had breakfast in Virginia could enjoy the enchanting night over the Forbidden

Everyone has a desire to experience a desire to visit a place that one has never been to and to have knowledge of how people in other parts of the world Whereas, in the past when distances were a barrier, our ancestors were deprived of the chance, being only able to reach a land within several days’ However, this has not been a concern thanks to this The convenience of transport has allowed an individual having had breakfast in Virginia to enjoy the enchanting night over the Forbidden


Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and


Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous This will pose a threat to local security and community


with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious


To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive


写作真题 第3篇







An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:

- Effectively addresses the topic and task

- Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplification, and/or details

- Displays unity, progression, and coherence

- Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors

但同时上述要求也写明了文章需要well developed,而充实完整的文章也往往需要一定量的字数支撑。







写作真题 第4篇






不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会blackend or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。




Nowadays, many movies or films are based on Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the Which one do you prefer?

写作真题 第5篇

【Zoos keep wild animals in a man-made To what extent do you think the advantages of zoos outweigh their disadvantages?】

Normally, it is better for wild animals to live in a natural Unfortunately, now such environments are often under In my essay, I will compare the relative advantages of animals living in the wild and in Most wild animals live longer in zoos than in the wild because zoo keepers can look after their health and their When an animal is sick, there are veterinarians in the zoo to help As a result, animals in a zoo can have longer life expectancy than animals in the Zoos are also useful tools for us to reduce our harm to wildlife brought about by damage to the land and the Many zoos around the world now take part in programs to educate children about the importance of preserving wildlife and they work together to find ways to take care of In fact, today some rare species exist only in zoos, which means if all the zoos are closed, these animals will completely disappear from our




写作真题 第6篇


不能同意这个观点——因为这样的说法过于片面。有些媒体(大众传媒mass media)表现得过于关注名人。但是真正的起因(the real cause)却是大众(the public; the broad masses of the people)本身——大众过于关注名人以及名人的私生活。媒体不过是在迎合大众(cater to the needs of customers;过去几年里,电视一直迎合大众的口味。In the past several years, television has been playing to the ),因为媒体也是商业机构(commercial organization),也要盈利(profit-driving)。不是所有媒体都在一味迎合大众,也不是所有的television program, newspaper column都在关注名人。

写作真题 第7篇










单句连单句 并列句 从句

第一种关联方式,叫“单句连单句”。大家可以简单的记成“单+单”。举个例子,“I love However, you do not love ”,大家发现这两句话是用句号来结尾的,证明这两句话之间是彼此独立的,井水不犯河水的,但是出现了“however”,证明了这两句话在含义上是转折的关系。“单句连单句”这种连接方式,是一种比较松散的关系。就好像你和你的朋友之间的关系一样,你和你的朋友原来是陌生人,只不过在人群中多看了彼此一眼,确认过眼神,成为了好朋友。假设你们碰不上呢,可能还是陌生人。所以说这是第一种逻辑关系连接方式,叫单句连单句。

第二种呢,叫并列句。什么是并列句呢,在这注意理解,并不是指的是并列的这种逻辑关系,而指的是这两句话之间是平等的并列关系,大不了你也小不了我。举个例子,比如说,“I love you, but you do not love ”,大家观察一下这句话,整个只有一个完整的句子,两个短句是靠逗号和but连接的,所以说这两句话之间的紧密程度要比那个单句连单句之间要密切一点。由于用but连接,证明这两句话间的逻辑关系依然是转折,这就相当于这两句话之间的关系是亲戚关系。比如说你和你的表弟是来自于同一个大家庭,就算你们俩之间的关系不好,是转折关系,但依然血浓于水。在并列句当中,大家需要记住一个单词,这个单词是几个单词的首字母构成的,这个单词是“FanBoys”。F代表for,for连接两个句子时意思是“因为”;A代表and,表示“和”;N代表nor,意思是“没有”、“也不”;B代表but,意思是“但是”;O代表or,意思是“或者”;Y代表yet,也是表示“但是”;S表示so,“所以”。“FanBoys”,大家记住这几个字母。所有的这些单词都是来连接并列句的,而这些单词之前都要出现逗号,也就是说这两句话要用“,+and”、“,+but”、“,+so”、“,+for”,用这种关系来把句子连接起来,这样才符合这种句法规范。所以这个叫“FanBoys”。

第三种逻辑关系,或者叫关联方式是从句,这里的从句主要指的是状语从句。比如说,“Although I love you,you do not love ”,你会发现这句话跟前边两种方式所表达的含义基本一致,但是亲密程度不一样了。这里出现了从句,什么是从句呢,就是这两句话是互相依存的,我不能只有从句而没有主句,就像这句话我不能说成“Although I love ”没了,我没有主句,这是不对的。这两句话之间的逻辑关系是转折关系,也就是说有“Although”证明它是转折关系,但是这两句话之间的密切程度是很密切的,这就相当于这两句话之间是父母和孩子这种关系,不可能一个孩子没有父母,同理也不可能一个从句没有主句。



新托福写作真题:Media and celebrities解析+范文相关

写作真题 第8篇







? 不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会blackend or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。

? 做鼓使用也不可能发出好听的声音。这中disk使用陶土制作,即使蒙上兽皮敲击的声音也远不如用兽皮和木头制作的鼓好听。此外,陶土制作的鼓非常沉,使用不便。

? 无法当作镜子。倒入液体后,disk就必须被水平放置,这样人们可以弯腰照镜子。但是被水平放置后,有花纹的那一面就看不见了。古希腊的镜子是手持的,垂直拿在手里,这样可以随时看见镜子的花纹。


About the function of disks, the reading mentions three hypotheses, which are refuted by the listening one by one with the following

The first possible function of disks, raised by the reading, is for The listening, however, is opposite to this point by further explaining that after being heated for a long time, cookers must be blackened or discolored, just like pans and pots at our But the fact is that among the 200 unearthed disks, none of them is blackened or

Regarding to the drum theory, the listening still disagrees with For one thing, it could not produce sound that is pleasing to ears for this kind of disk is made of clay, which, even though covered with hides, could not produce sound that is better than that produced by drums made of hides and For another, drums made of clay are too heavy, making it much inconvenient to The listening, therefore, casts doubt on what the reading

Finally, the reading states that disks could serve as This opinion is in sharp contrast with the belief in the listening that it is unlikely that disks are used as After pouring liquid, disks must be laid And people could look in the mirror by bending But the problem is that with the mirror being horizontal, the side which is decorated could not be But the Greek mirrors are held by hands so that the decorative pattern is



Nowadays, many movies or films are based on Some people prefer to read the original book before they watch the movie, other prefer to watch the movie before reading the Which one do you prefer?


The movie industry has witnessed an unprecedented boom during recent years with endless movies coming into Among the ample supply of movies, many are based on original books, which provides the general public two choices about the order of reading books and watching Some prefer to watch the movie followed by reading the According to my preference, I would like to read the original book

The primary reason for my stance is that by reading the original book, I am allowed to let my imagination run To illustrate, the original book shows us the detailed plots without displaying the specific characters on screen or through Therefore, we are free to imagine without the constraints of Conversely, characters in the movies have already been chosen and designed including their facial expressions, body language and even dressing styles, which leaves us few chances to make full use of our imagination and curiosity to think It is no wonder that giving priority to the original books provides us with more fun, for it is imagination that contributes to

Another factor tempts me to make such a choice is that I will have a deeper understanding of what is hidden behind the movie after reading the As we all know, movies are always adapted, some details of which are unavoidably deleted owing to the limitation of Accordingly, it is highly possible that some plots and lines are too abstract to The original book, on the other hand, clearly explains the background, hence not giving rise to I always have a glimpse of the original books before reading the adapted movies, with A Dream of Red Mansions a clear case in The book A Dream of Red Mansions mainly describes a touching love story between Jia Baoyu and his cousin Lin Daiyu, which begins and ends in a luxurious Hardly could I understand why Lin Daiyu always quarreled with Jia Baoyu in the movie if I did not take time to read the

Frankly speaking, movies are short enough for us to make a quick decision about whether it is to our taste and whether it is worth reading the original But as mentioned above, movies are adapted more often than not, which cannot serve as the determining factor of whether the original book is a good

To sum up, reading the book before watching the movie is definitely a more preferable choice, for it will beget imagination and curiosity as well as a deeper

写作真题 第9篇

雅思写作题目:The most important thing of people"s life is his or her Without a satisfying career, the life is To what extent do you agree or disagree?


此题目为教育类话题,体裁为议论文下属的利弊分析类,要分别陈述将大部分时间花在学习上对社会和孩子自身的影响。先交代background information,如:Education, especially children"s, is undoubtedly of vital importance to a nation"s sustained economic


对孩子产生的负面影响:小孩子花过多时间在学习上可能会对成长不利。可举例说明一下,比如:长时间的sedentary lifestyle令人们担忧他们的健康状况。在整个论述的过程中,考生可采用举例论证和因果论证这两种常见也是最有效的论证方法详细展开。长时间学习对孩子自身和整个社会利弊皆有,可通过鼓励孩子在学习过程中积极参加更多的课外活动。消除弊端,把孩子朝受益的方向引领。


With the increasing proportion of employed workers, whether or not one’s career is his or her whole has become a widely debated While some believe that job is the most crucial element of our life, others maintain that there are many other essential things which are meaningful to Given that life is colourful and non-inevitable relationship between success of career and the meaning of life, I strongly disagree that there will be nothing left if we failed to reach the peak of


For a start, that many other aspects in life can actually bring fond memories to Having good relationship with family members and friends is a flawless It is not uncommon that many elderly couples live in small and cozy flats, who didn’t really succeed in terms of their However, just because of their pure and long-lasted relationship over the last few decades, they are satisfied and often feel that they are very lucky to meet each Similarly, raising a child can also boost parents’ sense of satisfaction and they are more likely to have a meaningful It is evident that there are still many factors to determine one’s meaning of life other than


Secondly and more importantly, it is illogical to link the extent of success to the worth of Imagine a thirty-year old chief executive officer, who whole-heartedly spent everything on his He strove a lot and unconcerned with his health at present just because he longed for his delightful life after However, since his intensive workload and unhealthy lifestyle, he was diagnosed with cancer before How meaning will you rate of this man’s life? In this case, I would contend that his life should have been more splendid if he spent more time on different aspects, even though he might not succeed in his No wonder Bible has that, “What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?”


Having discussed that job is only a part of life and it does not necessarily make one’s life be more meaningful, I firmly disagree that job is everything of If all people were more open-minded about their jobs and paid more attention on other stuff in their life, I am confident that they would have more enjoyable experiences which are likely to make their life more interesting and


写作真题 第10篇


【In some countries, traditional arts are going Some people think that we should try to keep To what extent you agree?】

Today, many types of traditional arts and crafts are struggling on the brink of People have different attitudes toward this As for me, I believe that traditional arts should still be cherished by Traditional arts are national treasures handed down from our ancestors; therefore, it is our responsibility as inheritors to keep them A nation without abundant traditional arts, such as folk music, ethnic drawings or painting would feel Consequently, should those brilliant traditional arts die out, the nation"s sense of belonging would be seriously Even worse once a form of traditional art disappears in history, it could never be truly Only until then will the people realize that is a great loss, which at best would only result in nostalgia and



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